Securing AWS API Gateway Endpoints (Cognito, IAM, API Keys)

API Security and Authentication Overview

Considering that not all Lambda functions should be public, different APIs in a system will require different levels of authentication and access.

We'll take a look at securing Lambda functions at API Gateway using IAM and Cognito authorizers, and setting up usage quotas with API keys.

Public APIs

Public APIs are endpoints that don't require the user to be authenticated first.

In this example, the GET endpoint is public.

2020 05 29 lambda get api

Authenticated APIs

Authenticated APIs are endpoints that require the user to be authenticated first.

These are generally API endpoints that may have functionality that updates the system state on a user's behalf:

  • Updating a user Profile
  • Place and managing orders

In this example, the POST endpoint should be authenticated with Cognito using Cognito User Pool, or Cognito Federated Identities.

2020 05 29 lambda post api

Internal / System APIs

Internal APIs are endpoints that will only be utilized by internal systems and microservices and are not consumed by the client app.

These are generally API endpoints that:

  • Process data or files
  • Manage push messaging to the client
  • Handle email or SMS notifications

In this example, the Fanout Lambda is only called internally and should be authenticated with IAM permissions.

2020 05 29 lambda fanout api

Cognito User Pool and Cognito Federated Identities

AWS Cognito manages user sign-ups and authentication and also has the functionality to synchronize user profiles across devices.

Cognito User Pool

Cognito User Pool is a managed identity service that handles registration / registration verification / authentication and password policies.

During user authentication, Cognito provides temporary credentials to use to access other AWS resources or APIs in API Gateway.

New User Registration Flow

When a user registers and confirms their email, the client talks with Cognito User Pool:

  1. Client: Registers a new account.
  2. Cognito User Pool: Sends a verification token.
  3. Client: Confirms the verification token.
  4. Cognito User Pool: Completes the registration process.
Client         Cognito User Pool         API Gateway            AWS Lambda
  |                      |                    |                     |
  | Register             |                    |                     |
  | New Account          |                    |                     |
  | -------------------► |                    |                     |
  |                      |                    |                     |
  | ◄------------------- |                    |                     |
  |    Send Verification  |                    |                     |
  |               Token  |                    |                     |
  |        (Email / SMS) |                    |                     |
  |                      |                    |                     |
  |                      |                    |                     |
  |                      |                    |                     |
  |                      |                    |                     |
  |                      |                    |                     |
  | Confirm               |                    |                     |
  | Verification          |                    |                     |
  | Token                |                    |                     |
  | -------------------► |                    |                     |
  |                      |                    |                     |
  | ◄------------------- |                    |                     |
  |         Registration |                    |                     |
  |             Complete |                    |                     |
  |                      |                    |                     |

Authentication Sign In Flow

After a successful sign-in, Cognito User Pool returns a JWT token. This token needs to be passed in future HTTP headers for authentication in API Gateway.

  1. Client: Signs in with username and password.
  2. Cognito User Pool:

    • Authenticates the user with username and password.
    • Returns an ID token with JWT.
  3. Client: Includes the JWT in the header of HTTP requests to API Gateway that are secured with the Cognito authorizer.
Client           Cognito User Pool       API Gateway           AWS Lambda
  |                      |                    |                     |
  | Sign In              |                    |                     |
  | -------------------► |                    |                     |
  |                      |                    |                     |
  | ◄------------------- |                    |                     |
  |             ID Token |                    |                     |
  |                (JWT) |                    |                     |
  |                      |                    |                     |
  |                      |                    |                     |
  |                      |                    |                     |
  |                      |                    |                     |
  |                      |                    |                     |
  | HTTP POST { authorization: ... }          |                     |
  | ----------------------------------------► |                     |
  |                      |                    | ------------------► |
  |                      |                    | ◄------------------ |
  | ◄---------------------------------------- |                     |
  |                      |          200 {...} |                     |

Cognito Federated Identities

Cognito Federated Identities allows authentication with a supported identity provider (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc).

The auth token issued by an auth provider is exchanged for temporary AWS IAM credentials, which can be used to access other AWS services.

  1. App / Client authenticates with a 3rd party identity provider
  2. The identity provider returns an auth token
  3. The auth token is sent to Cognito Federated Identities
  4. Cognito Federated Identities validates the auth token with the identity provider
  5. If the auth token is valid, Cognito will issue a temporary AWS IAM credential to the Client
  6. The client can now access other AWS services using the temporary AWS IAM credential
     Identity Providers
     |                                                        |
     | Google     Cognito User Pool     Facebook     Twitter  |
     |                                                        |
               ▲   | Issues                        ▲
               |   | Auth Token                    |
               |   |                               |
               |   |                               |
  Authenticate |   |                               | Validate
  (Login)      |   ▼              Send             | Auth Token
    ┌─────────────────┐           Auth Token  ┌────────────────┐
    |                 | --------------------► |   Cognito      |
    |   App / Client  |                       |   Federated    |
    |                 | ◄-------------------- |   Identities   |
    └─────────────────┘        Temporary IAM  └────────────────┘
           |                        Credential
           | Use
           | IAM Credential
           ▼                                     AWS Services
     |                                                        |
     | API Gateway    S3    DynamoDB    SNS    Kinesis    ... |
     |                                                        |

Securing a Lambda Function with Cognito

To require that the caller be authenticated with Cognito to invoke your Lambda Function, create the Cognito authorizer as CloudFormation resource, and set the authorizer for the lambda function to Cognito User Pool.

Note that we'll also have to add a new Cognito User Pool resource, CognitoUserPool, and add the web and server clients.

Construct the CognitoAuthorizer as a CloudFormation resource and then reference it in each function. The ProviderARNs attribute for the CognitoAuthorizer resource will point to the ARN of the CognitoUserPool resource.

    CognitoAuthorizer:      Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Authorizer
        AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds: 300
        IdentitySource: method.request.header.Authorization
        Name: Cognito
        RestApiId: !Ref ApiGatewayRestApi
          - !GetAtt CognitoUserPool.Arn
    handler: functions/search-stores.handler
      - http:
          path: /stores/search
          method: post
          authorizer:            type: COGNITO_USER_POOLS            authorizerId: !Ref CognitoAuthorizer
    CognitoUserPool:      Type: AWS::Cognito::UserPool      Properties:        AliasAttributes:          - email        UsernameConfiguration:          CaseSensitive: false        AutoVerifiedAttributes:          - email        Policies:          PasswordPolicy:            MinimumLength: 8            RequireLowercase: true            RequireNumbers: true            RequireUppercase: true            RequireSymbols: true        Schema:          - AttributeDataType: String            Mutable: true            Name: given_name            Required: true            StringAttributeConstraints:              MinLength: "1"          - AttributeDataType: String            Mutable: true            Name: family_name            Required: true            StringAttributeConstraints:              MinLength: "1"          - AttributeDataType: String            Mutable: true            Name: email            Required: true            StringAttributeConstraints:              MinLength: "1"
    WebCognitoUserPoolClient:      Type: AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient      Properties:        ClientName: web        UserPoolId: !Ref CognitoUserPool        ExplicitAuthFlows:          - ALLOW_USER_SRP_AUTH          - ALLOW_REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH        PreventUserExistenceErrors: ENABLED
    ServerCognitoUserPoolClient:      Type: AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient      Properties:        ClientName: server        UserPoolId: !Ref CognitoUserPool        ExplicitAuthFlows:          - ALLOW_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH          - ALLOW_REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH        PreventUserExistenceErrors: ENABLED
  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs12.x

    handler: functions/search-stores.handler
      - http:
          path: /stores/search
          method: post
          authorizer:            type: COGNITO_USER_POOLS            authorizerId: !Ref CognitoAuthorizer
    CognitoUserPool:      Type: AWS::Cognito::UserPool      Properties:        AliasAttributes:          - email        UsernameConfiguration:          CaseSensitive: false        AutoVerifiedAttributes:          - email        Policies:          PasswordPolicy:            MinimumLength: 8            RequireLowercase: true            RequireNumbers: true            RequireUppercase: true            RequireSymbols: true        Schema:          - AttributeDataType: String            Mutable: true            Name: given_name            Required: true            StringAttributeConstraints:              MinLength: "1"          - AttributeDataType: String            Mutable: true            Name: family_name            Required: true            StringAttributeConstraints:              MinLength: "1"          - AttributeDataType: String            Mutable: true            Name: email            Required: true            StringAttributeConstraints:              MinLength: "1"
    WebCognitoUserPoolClient:      Type: AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient      Properties:        ClientName: web        UserPoolId: !Ref CognitoUserPool        ExplicitAuthFlows:          - ALLOW_USER_SRP_AUTH          - ALLOW_REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH        PreventUserExistenceErrors: ENABLED
    ServerCognitoUserPoolClient:      Type: AWS::Cognito::UserPoolClient      Properties:        ClientName: server        UserPoolId: !Ref CognitoUserPool        ExplicitAuthFlows:          - ALLOW_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH          - ALLOW_REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH        PreventUserExistenceErrors: ENABLED
    CognitoAuthorizer:      Type: AWS::ApiGateway::Authorizer      Properties:        AuthorizerResultTtlInSeconds: 300        IdentitySource: method.request.header.Authorization        Name: Cognito        RestApiId: !Ref ApiGatewayRestApi        Type: COGNITO_USER_POOLS        ProviderARNs:          - !GetAtt CognitoUserPool.Arn
      Value: !Ref CognitoUserPool

      Value: !GetAtt CognitoUserPool.Arn

      Value: !Ref WebCognitoUserPoolClient

      Value: !Ref ServerCognitoUserPoolClient

  - serverless-pseudo-parameters

Securing a Lambda Function with IAM

To require that the caller submit IAM access keys to be authenticated to invoke your Lambda Function, set the authorizer to aws_iam.

Generally, Lambdas that are only accessed by your infrastructure (and are not intended to be called by the client directly), should be restricted access by IAM role-based permissions

IAM authorization also makes sense as the caller will already be running within AWS and will already have an IAM role.

Manually signing with the aws4 NPM Package

In order to invoke a Lambda that is secured with an IAM authorizer, we'll need to sign and prepare our requests using AWS Signature Version 4.

Add the aws4 NPM package.

$ yarn add aws4

Add the execute-api:Invoke to the IAM execution role in the iamRoleStatements property:

Quick Note:

  • execute-api:invoke permission allows calling API Gateway endpoints.
  • lambda:InvokeFunction permission allows directly invoking lambdas, bypassing API gateway.
  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs12.x

    - Effect: Allow
      Action: execute-api:Invoke      Resource: arn:aws:execute-api:#{AWS::Region}:#{AWS::AccountId}:#{ApiGatewayRestApi}/${self:provider.stage}/GET/stores

In this example, we're going to have the get-index function call the get-stores function through API Gateway:

To require that the caller submit the IAM user's access keys to be authenticated to invoke your Lambda Function, use the aws_iam authorizer for get-stores endpoint.

We'll also need the URL of the /stores API Gateway endpoint, so we're passing the URL in as an environment variable, stores_api:

    handler: functions/get-index.handler
      - http:
          path: /
          method: get
      stores_api: https://#{ApiGatewayRestApi}.execute-api.#{AWS::Region}${self:provider.stage}/stores
    handler: functions/get-stores.handler
      - http:
          path: /stores
          method: get
          authorizer: aws_iam

The aws4 package prepares the opts object with a headers property using the URL of the get-stores function.

We pass this authentication header into our HTTP request to the get-stores URL:

const http = require("axios");
const aws4 = require("aws4");
const URL = require("url");

const storesApi = process.env.stores_api;
const getStores = async () => {
  const url = URL.parse(storesApi);

  const opts = {    host: url.hostname,    path: url.pathname,  };
  const httpReq = http.get(storesApi, {
    headers: opts.headers,  });

  return (await httpReq).data;

module.exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
  const stores = await getStores();

  const response = {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: stores,

  return response;

We can test and see that the get-stores endpoint is now secure by trying to hit the /stores API endpoint directly:

$ curl -X GET

  message: "Missing Authentication Token"

Securing a Lambda Function with API Keys

We can also use API keys and Usage Plans to restrict a client's access on selected APIs to an agreed-upon request rate and quota.

It should be noted that API keys are designed for rate-limiting individual clients rather than for authentication and authorization.

Note: API key quotas apply to all APIs and Stages. The request rate and quota assigned to an API key apply to all the APIs AND the **stages covered by the current usage plan.**

In this example, we're going to have the get-index function call the get-stores function through API Gateway:

To require that the caller pass an API key to invoke your Lambda Function, set the private boolean property to the http event object for the get-stores endpoint.

We'll also need the URL of the /stores API Gateway endpoint, so we're passing the URL in as an environment variable, stores_api:

    handler: functions/get-index.handler
      - http:
          path: /
          method: get
      stores_api: https://#{ApiGatewayRestApi}.execute-api.#{AWS::Region}${self:provider.stage}/stores
    handler: functions/get-stores.handler
      - http:
          path: /stores
          method: get
          private: true

We'll also need to create a Usage Plan to specify the rate limit and quota for the number of requests a client can make, and associate the API keys with a usage plan.

You can set up a general Usage Plan that all API keys will use, but I like to have specific Usage Plan categories and assign keys to each specific category.

In this example, the Usage Plan category names are:

  • free
  • paid

And we've generated two API key names.

  • freeKey, assigned to the free Usage Plan category.
  • paidKey, assigned to the paid Usage Plan category.

In our implementation, we're specifying the API key names and allowing AWS to generate the actual keys for each API key.

  name: aws
  runtime: nodejs12.x

    - free:
        - freeKey    - paid:
        - paidKey  usagePlan:
    - free:        quota:          limit: 5000          offset: 2          period: MONTH        throttle:          burstLimit: 200          rateLimit: 100    - paid:        quota:          limit: 50000          offset: 1          period: MONTH        throttle:          burstLimit: 2000          rateLimit: 1000

After you redeploy the stack, the API key name and values will be returned in the Serverless CLI output:

$ sls deploy

Serverless: Packaging service...
Serverless: Stack update finished...

Service Information
service: stores-service
stage: dev
region: us-east-1
stack: stores-service-dev
resources: 33

api keys:
  freeKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxx  paidKey: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  GET -
  GET -
  POST -

  get-index: stores-service-dev-get-index
  get-stores: stores-service-dev-get-stores
  search-stores: stores-service-dev-search-stores


Now that the get-stores Lambda has the private boolean, API calls to get-stores now need to pass an API key in the x-api-key HTTP header of the request.

const http = require("axios");

const storesApi = process.env.stores_api;

const getStores = async () => {
  const httpReq = http.get(storesApi, {
    headers: {
      "x-api-key": "xxxxxxxxx",    },

  return (await httpReq).data;

module.exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
  let stores = await getStores();

  // ...

  const response = {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: stores,

  return response;