Indexing Strings and Runes in Go

I've been using exercism's Go track to help me learn Go. It's been an amazing experience so far. Exercism is mentor-based exercise platform that allows students to request feedback from mentors.

After working on a Go exercise that involves comparing the difference "distance" between two strings, John Arundel (who is also a Go maintainer) pointed out in my mentor review, that I need to consider the implications of indexing a string in Go versus indexing runes.

Here's my original implementation:

Original Solution: String Comparison
// Package hamming implements utilities to find the Hamming Distance
// between two strands of DNA
package hamming

import "errors"

// Distance returns the Hamming Distance between two strands of DNA
func Distance(a, b string) (int, error) {
	if len(a) != len(b) {
		return 0, errors.New("the two dna strings should be equal length")

	var distance int
	for i := range a {
		if a[i] != b[i] {

	return distance, nil

This solution would return a hamming distance value of 1 for the given string inputs "aaa" and "aua".

However, consider the case of the string inputs "aua" and "aüa". This implementation would actually error out since the character "ü" is represented by two bytes.

Error: the two dna strings should be equal length

Strings in Go are a slice of arbitrary bytes

In Go, strings are actually a slice of arbitrary bytes and do not necessarily hold Unicode or UTF-8 text.

When we store a character value in a string, we store its byte-at-a-time representation, not the actual character representation.

So, when indexing a string, the index accesses the individual bytes in the string, not its characters, since a string is actually a slice of bytes.

With this in mind, when we iterate over a string, the index doesn't move by each single UTF-8 encoded character increments, but instead by every byte.

If we wish to increment the index by character, we must either cas the slice to a string or rune.

For example, consider the characters "u", and "ü":

const str = `ü`

fmt.Printf("hex bytes: ")
for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ {
    fmt.Printf("%x ", str[i])
plain string: ü
ASCII-only quoted string: "\u00fc"
individual bytes (in hexadecimal): c3 bc

What this means is that the character "ü" is represented by:

  • The bytes (in UTF-8 encoding): c3 bc
  • The hexadecimal value: 00fc

And likewise the character "u" is represented by:

const str = `u`

fmt.Printf("plain string: %s\n", str)

fmt.Printf("quoted string: %+q\n", str)

fmt.Printf("hex bytes: ")
for i := 0; i < len(str); i++ {
    fmt.Printf("%x ", str[i])
plain string: u
ASCII-only quoted string: "u"
individual bytes (in hexadecimal): 75

Runes in Go represent "characters"

In other programming languages, the "characters" in strings are sometimes referred to as "code points". In Go, the term used is a "rune". For example, the character "ü" is represented by: the code point U+00fc (with the hexadecimal value 00fc)

Runes in Go are Unicode characters, which can be up to 4 bytes in size.

So, if we are interested in a string as runes, we should convert the string to a slice of runes:

ar, br := []rune(a), []rune(b)

This allows us to safely compare the runes:

  • The lengths of the rune slices
  • Iterate over one of them, and compare each rune with the corresponding rune in the other.
Rune Comparison Solution
// Package hamming implements utilities to find the Hamming Distance
// between two strands of DNA
package hamming

import "errors"

// Distance returns the Hamming Distance between two strands of DNA
func Distance(a, b string) (int, error) {
	ar, br := []rune(a), []rune(b)
  Convert the strings to a slice of runes

	if len(ar) != len(br) {
		return 0, errors.New("the two dna strings should be equal length")

	var distance int
	for i := range ar {
		if ar[i] != br[i] {

	return distance, nil

Additional reading

John Arundel pointed me to these great resources to learn more about strings: