Basic Data Structures in Go

Understanding what Go values look like in memory helps us to understand which operations are expensive.

Basic Types


Go has several integer types:

  • int8: -128 to 127
  • int16: -2^15 to 2^15 - 1 (-32,768 to 32,767)
  • int32: -2^31 to 2^31 - 1 (-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647)
  • int64: -2^63 to 2^63 - 1 (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807)
  • int: A generic integer is platform dependent (32 bits wide on a 32-bit system and 64-bits wide on a 64-bit system)
i := 12

|  12  | int

In the above example:

  • variable i has type int
  • i is represented in memory as a single 32-bit word (on a 32 bit system)
j := int32(12)

|  12  | int32

In the above example:

  • variable j has type int32 (explicitly converts to int32)
  • i and j have the same memory layout
i := 12
j := int32(12)

i == j
// invalid operation: i == j (mismatched types int and int32)

i == int(j)
// true

In the above example:

  • i and j have different types and needs an explicit type conversion to type int to be compared

Bytes and Runes

Go also has two integer type aliases: byte and rune.

Go doesn't have a char data type, so byte and rune data types are used to distinguish characters from integer values.


A byte is an alias for uint8 and represents ASCII characters.

To create a byte, the type has to be specified:

var byteLetter byte = 'a'

fmt.Printf("%c = %d", byteLetter, byteLetter) // a = 97

In the above example:

  • In memory, the character 'a' is of type byte and is converted to an integer ASCII value 97.


A rune is an alias for int32 and represents Unicode UTF-8 encoded characters.

A rune is the default character type in Go when a character is declared with single quotes:

var runeLetter rune = 'a'

fmt.Printf("%c = %U", runeLetter, runeLetter) // a = U+0061

In the above example:

  • In memory, the character 'a' is of type rune and is converted to the hexadecimal (integer) unicode codepoint value of 0061.


Go has two floating point types float32 and float64 to store numbers with a decimal.

The default type for floating point values is float64.

f := float32(2.33)

|  2.33  | float32

In the above example:

  • variable f has type float32
  • f has the same memory footprint as int32 but a different internal layout


language := [6]byte{'g', 'o', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'g'}

|  g  |  o  |  l  |  a  |  n  |  g  | [6]byte

In the above example:

  • variable language has type [6]byte and is an array of 6 bytes
  • language is represented in memory as 6 bytes
primes := [3]int{2, 3, 5}

|  2  |  3  |  5  | [3]byte

In the above example:

  • variable primes has type [3]int and is an array of 3 ints
  • primes is represented in memory as 3 bytes


Go also gives the programmer control over pointers. Understanding pointers is important for building systems that perform well.

Providing control over basic memory layouts allows the ability to control:

  • The total size of a given collection of data structures
  • The number of allocations
  • The memory access patterns.


Fields in a struct are laid out side-by-side in memory:

type Point struct{ X, Y int }

In the above example:

  • A struct type named Point is declared
  • Point is represented in memory as two adjacent int
type Point struct{ X, Y int }

var p = Point{10, 20}
|  10  |  20  | Point

In the above example:

  • variable p has type Point
  • p is constructed with a composite struct literal
type Point struct{ X, Y int }

var pp *Point = &Point{10, 20}
|  +  | *Point
   |  10  |  20  | Point

In the above example:

  • variable pp has type *Point
  • pp is a pointer to a unique variable initialized with the composite literal &Point{10, 20}
  • A pointer *Point is generated when we take the address of the composite literal &Point{10, 20}
type Rect1 struct{ Min, Max Point }

r1 := Rect1{Point{10, 20}, Point{50, 60}}
|  10  |  20  |  50  |  60  | Rect1

In the above example:

  • A struct type named Rect1 is declared
  • Rect1 is represented in memory by two Point fields, which is four adjacent int
type Rect2 struct{ Min, Max *Point}

r1 := Rect1{&Point{10, 20}, &Point{50, 60}}
|  +  |  +  | *Point
   |     |
   |     v
   |     +------+------+
   |     |  50  |  60  |  Point
   |     +------+------+
   |  10  |  20  | Point

In the above example:

  • A struct type named Rect2 is declared
  • Rect2 is represented in memory by two *Point fields


A string is represented in memory as a 2-word structure containing:

  • A pointer to the string
  • The length

A string is immutable and multiple strings can share the same storage.

It should be noted, slicing a string does not allocate or copy the underlying data:

  • Slicing creates a new 2-word structure that points to the same byte sequence, and corresponding length
  • This also means the entire original underlying data is kept even if the slice only takes a subset
s := "hello"

  ptr   len
|  +  |  5  | string
   | h | e | l | l | o | [5]byte
           |  t := s[2:3]
        |  +  |  1  | string
          ptr   len

In the above example:

  • The slice operation created a new 2-word structure
  • It points to the same byte sequence as the original underlying string data structure


A slice data structure is a section of an array and is represented in memory as a 3-word structure containing:

  • A pointer to the first element
  • The length (is the upper bound for index operations x[i])
  • The capacity (is the upper bound for slice operations x[i:j])

Slicing an array also does not allocate or copy the underlying data:

  • A new 3-word structure is created that points to the same array, corresponding length, and capacity
x := []int{1, 3, 5, 7}

  ptr   len   cap
|  +  |  4  |  4  | []int
   |  1  |  3  |  5  |  7  | [4]int

In the above example:

  • Evaluating the composite literal []int{1, 3, 5, 7}

    • Creates a new array containing 4 values
    • Sets the fields of the slice x to describe the array
    • len(x) == 4
    • cap(x) == 4
x := []int{1, 3, 5, 7}

  ptr   len   cap
|  +  |  4  |  4  | []int
   |  1  |  3  |  5  |  7  | [4]int
          |  y := x[1:3] // [3 5]
       |  +  |  2  |  4  | []int
         ptr   len   cap

In the above example:

  • The slice expression x[1:3] does not allocate more data: it writes the fields of a new slice structure, y, to refer to the same array.
  • The length is 2 — y[0] and y[1] are the only valid indexes
  • The capacity is 4 — y[0:4] is a valid slice expression


new and make are two data structure creation functions:

  • new

    • new(T) returns *T, a pointer
    • new returns a pointer to zeroed memory
    • A pointer allows Go programs to dereference implicitly (the arrows in the diagrams)
type Point struct{ X, Y int }

|  +  | *Point
   |  0  |  0  | Point

point := new(Point)
Println(*point)      // {0 0}

In the above example:

  • new(Point) returns a pointer to the zeroed memory of of a type Point
  • The values are initialized to: {0 0}
type Point struct{ X, Y int }
type Rect1 struct{ Min, Max Point }


|  +  | *Rect1
   |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  | Rect1

rect1 := new(Rect1)
Println(*rect1)      // {{0 0} {0 0}}

In the above example:

  • new(Rect1) returns a pointer to the zeroed memory of of a type Rect1
  • The values are initialized to: {{0 0} {0 0}}
type Point struct{ X, Y int }
type Rect2 struct{ Min, Max *Point}


|  +  | *Rect2
   v ptr   ptr
   |  +  |  +  | *Point
      v     v
     nil    nil

rect2 := new(Rect2)
Println(*rect2)      // {<nil> <nil>}

In the above example:

  • new(Rect2) returns a pointer to the zeroed memory of of a type Rect2
  • The values are initialized to: {<nil> <nil>}

|  +  | *[]int
   v ptr   len   cap
   |  +  |  0  |  0  | []int (slice)
      | | [0]int (array)

data := new([]int)
Println(len(*data)) // 0
Println(cap(*data)) // 0
Println(*data)      // []


make is another data structure creation function:

  • make

    • make(T, args) returns an ordinary T, not a pointer
    • make returns a complex structure
make([]int, 0)

  ptr   len   cap
|  +  |  0  |  0  | []int (slice)
   | | [0]int (array)

makeData := new([]int)
Println(len(makeData)) // 0
Println(cap(makeData)) // 0
Println(makeData)      // []

In the above example:

  • new(Rect2) returns a pointer to the zeroed memory of of a type Rect2
  • The values are initialized to: {<nil> <nil>}
make([]int, 2, 5)

  ptr   len   cap
|  +  |  2  |  5  | []int (slice)
   |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  |  0  | [5]int (array)

make([]int, 2, 5)
Println(len(makeData)) // 2
Println(cap(makeData)) // 5
Println(makeData)      // [0 0]